mandag den 5. august 2013

Weißes Fleisch

Weisses Fleisch… Oh, the controversy! One of the most aggressive songs, both lyrically and musically.
I’m going to do something a bit different this time, given that I actually have a college degree in music, and thought I’d put that into use. Most importantly because I feel that one of the things that makes Rammstein such a different, interesting band, is the way the music completely compliments the lyrics, blending together into an insanely perfect mix. 

Judging from the key signature, I would assume that the key is either D-major or H-minor. There are no other indications other than the two crosses in the beginning of the song, and after having played both scales on piano, both could fit the song. 

Weisses Fleisch is a song consisting of 109 measures and is played with 132 beats per minute, and a time signature containing of 4/4. There is no real dissonance to compliment the harmonics, because the song is played in an anti-harmonic way that helps underline the lyrics.
Now to talk about the lyrics! 

People often take this for a song about a pedophile raping an under aged girl. I’ve always had a different view on the song, maybe because I’ve liked it even before I knew German. What I seem to find myself agreeing on, is that the song is about a psychopath, or at least a persona containing some tendencies, enough to have the urges that a BDSM relationship requires. I made that sound an awful lot more negative than I meant to, but rest assured, I have nothing against such. Anyways, the point!

I believe the song symbolizes a somewhat atypical S/M relationship. The black blood mentioned coming from Till isn’t necessarily literal, but underlines his dark urges to have his way with the girl with the white skin and white dress, expressing a classical view on innocence. “Mein schwarzes Blut versaut dit das Kleid.”
It explains the way a person can get sexually aroused from causing pain to other people, the need to soil another person’s innocence in order to feel superior. “Rote Striemen auf weisser Haut, ich tu dir weh und du jammerst laut” clearly indicates spanking or such, leaving marks behind on the white, pure skin.
The beginning of the “Schulhof”, the schoolyard doesn’t indicate that it is a child to me. More like a metaphor that the punisher is older than her. She surrenders to him, because he is physically superior to her, bigger, taller and stronger, and she acts as a tool to his needs.

This is one of the most erotic songs from Rammstein in my book, having all the good aspects playing up and uniting to a beautiful anthem of a twisted facet of perversion, the urge to make the pure, innocent and untainted dirty, and the trust and expectation from the “white flesh”. And I adore Rammstein for putting out there instead of making a taboo. 

Photo of me, taken by my amazingly talented friend Julie,
attempting to portray the passion, lust and pervesion of the song.
And also because I'm amazingly pale!

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