To balance on the edge of the acceptable and the unacceptable is easily said a difficult balancing act. Therefore, I think it's quite rare for bands to do it, because it's risky for their career. But Rammstein has made this their career. People expect to be shocked. Which is why (What I think, at least) they made the Mein Land video the way that they did. But that will follow some other time! Rammstein balances perfectly and switches back and forth between these. One thing that I have always liked about Rammstein is that, if you care enough to analyze the lyrics, even just slightly, then you're instantly provoked to think. Provoked to make a choice, decide what you think of the topic. Because some of the topics really are carried out from the rough, cold world, topics that are left as taboos... just like Ich tu dir weh.
From what I have experienced in Rammstein, a lot of their songs carry out a double meaning. Such as this beautiful piece of music. It has been one of my favorite Rammstein pieces lyrically and musically, as you don't find too many Rammstein songs with a sort of catchy, swinging refrain. Don't get me wrong, all of Rammsteins songs have some sort of epic, raw and even erotic feeling to it. But this is different, in a lot of ways. And then again, it isn't. The song was banned from German television because of the controversial themes, and this song was the reason that the CD made it to "Over 18" in stores, not even on display.
The video is made as a 'simple' performance video, the band soiled in flames in the background, and Till singing in front of them. What immediatly struck me about this, was the light that was shining from Tills mouth whenever he opened it. An LED light that had been placed in the roof of his mouth, from a chord that had been pierced through his cheek. The band insisted on, "Till, the audience is metres away, it will be perfectly fine for you to just have a fleshcolored chord, nobody will notice!" But he insisted in doing it this way, even though it could easily have been infected and caused a health risk for him. I think it emphazises the song perfectly. Because, this is what the song is about. To me, at least.
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My beloved necklace <3 |
The soul is the light inside his mouth, the light shining through in his eyes. The body obeys.
While many people may interpret this as a song concerning BDSM relationships, I think it's sort of a tribute to the body. The soul is singing to the body. And what an odd tribute it is.
"Nur für mich bist du am Leben." ; You are only alive for me. What other purpose does that body have, than to serve the soul?
As a person with little, next to no confidence, I know exactly what Till attempted to portray.
"Ich steck dir Orden ins Gesicht" ; I stick medals onto your face. In an attempt of making the body seem like it's worth something to the people around you. Medals symbolizes achievements, achievements portrays skills. For myself, and maybe Till, these medals could be piercings in an attempt to improve our appearance. But also all the nice things we try to outline about ourselves.
The body is utterly devoted to the soul, it's really only a casket for carrying the soul around. The body is sort of an image of the soul, portraying what's inside. Sometimes, I don't feel that the two match. So I punish the body, I try to make up for the disappointment and shame.
"Du blutest für mein Seelenheil
Ein kleiner Schnitt und du wirst geil" ; You bleed for the peace of my soul, a little cut and you're turned on. This is where the BDSM aspect plays up really well. Pain is a way of distracting yourself from what is, in reality, hurting you. Some of us have even learnt to connect pain and pleasure, which makes Rammstein such a wonderful band, no matter if you're the one who recieves the pain, or gives.
"Ich tu dir weh
Tut mir nicht leid
Das tut dir gut
Hör wie es schreit" ; I hurt you. I'm not sorry. It does you good. Listen to it scream.
I remember the first time I heard the song. The chills spread wide, and the tears crawled up in the corner of my eye, and under the lid. Someone had finally described what I couldn't. Till has a way of doing that, though. Because, this is a perfect example of what it is like to be in such war with yourself, that you find no other way than to distract yourself.... from yourself.
The song makes so much sense to me. And it was a relief to listen to it. It still is, and it has helped me deal with myself in rough situations.
Now take the same lyric and interpret it from a BDSM point of view; it's simply the song from the sadist to the masochist. It gives the song another dimension, even erotic to me. It toys around with the theme of power, the power of being in so much control of another human being, that they would actually allow the other person to hurt them so much that they become disfigured, bruised and scarred etc.
The song, like many other Rammstein songs, will give you the oppertunity to take whatever you want from the song, and use it in whatever mood you should find yourself in.
The live-act of this show must be experienced - If not in concert, then on youtube! I demand it! Rawr.
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